No fear, BeArS is hre, let my ice chill the "Darkness"

"Wtf" is my line "LOL" is wat i type (i am juz crazy)

10 mins of emoness

Monday, February 21, 2011

Watch "Dream High" it's nice lol

Just a teaser of Dream High lol..

Kpop chartz..IU's good day is still top..owning..

Bankai "Dai Guren Hyourin Maru (Great Red Ice Ring)" 2:36 PM

Sunday, February 20, 2011

the countdown of ORDing~! doubt i still miss my ord mates, life still need to go on haha..we also hav nights out often too lolz..but it's juz tat we need to book bak into camp after partying outside u knw zZz lol..
Hehe hope to see them soon for night cycling tis fri..hope they bring their cameras too ^^ would b fun :P ..

To b exact, thre's like 3 mre wks left till i ORD..had been planning wat to do after ORD but everything seems to crash..oh always does..argh stressed( do not know whether everything works our fine as planned lolz)..

Hmm, nevertheless, had been always watching movies hahah..i tink the greatest invention in the world are films hehe..i really enjoyed watching movie since i was a kid lolz..

Had watched homecoming, it's a great great world and the mechanic recently..
Erm, i thought i would free rather time wasting watching local films but nw, i doubted so as i had seen these two great Singapore films..

Homecoming was soso..i would giv it a rating for 3/5 ? was entertaining and funny..esp Mark's hongkong chinese speaking accent..

After watching it's a great great world, i realized why ppl rate the movie of 4/5 stars..i really enjoyed this movie as it uses a lot of dialects, it suitable for all ages..thre's a certain part in the movie tat brought tears to my eyes when the old man tell the young lady abt his wife and how they gt married but something bad happened..

After seeing the rating of the mechanic online, i decided to watch it today but it doesn't really bring out the whole action packed stuffs tat i thought it would be..but it's still a great movie hahas..

Since i am having nights out like everyday, i am planning to watch movies lol..probably be spending quite alot on movies this whole month lol.. probably be watching black swan(lots of nominated awards) , 127 hours(frm the director of slumdog millionaire) and i am number 4 (frm the producer Michael Bay)..

Thre's no force on earth more powerful than the will to live..

Lots of upcoming movies tat i would like to share too lolz..


Green Lantern

Nicholas Cage "drive angry"..

Jack black's kungfu panda 2 lolz..


"Sanctum"frm the creator of Titanic and Avatar..

Bankai "Dai Guren Hyourin Maru (Great Red Ice Ring)" 11:35 PM

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Well, i went to town today to catch a movie Hereafter with San and was rather a normal movie but it's gd..some would say it's boring as thre's nthing much compared to Inception..but for me..i tink tat it's a simple yet touching movie..rating (3.5/5)..

Yipee i am so excited today..goin for my driving lesson later on in the morning..meeting with sec sch frens for the movie shaolin in the afternoon and steamboat in the evening with army frens..Hope i dun feel shag out at all lolz..

Hmm..another thing to ponder..whre shall we go for CNY this yr?? need to buy new clothes and shoes for CNY too haha..Excited ^^ hehe..

Lastly..the updated kpop chartz..finally Seungri frm Big Bang got his own solo album..

Bankai "Dai Guren Hyourin Maru (Great Red Ice Ring)" 1:32 AM

1mths worth of thoughts

Hmm..had not much time to blog for the past 1 mth..having a long break nw so i thought y not? , let's note dwn wat i did in the past 1 mth since it's still fresh in my mind haha..

Right after Christmas, had to go to some place to do duty (shalln't say the place, its restricted lolz) zzz..although tat place is near my hse but doing guard duty thre is so zZz..Btw, i was glad tat thre was a shift change haha..i was able to feed the fishes and knw more frens lol..
Hmm..every 1 seems to get a bad flu thre..must b the damn air-cons..

Just b4 i went to 'the place'..i had a Monday nite out hehe..i was quite happy as i can go to the chalet which my sec sch frens had planed way b4 hand lol..Although time in the chalet was short, it was definitely enjoyable feeding the cats and talking wif bros thre hahas..had a little photo taking session and sliding off the 2nd story b4 reporting bak to camp zZz..

The 2nd thing i recalled was hw i spent the new year eve outside on my off day was memorable but too bad no 1 brought cameras along haha..
We 1st met up at illuma to catch the movie "the tourist" and we had our steamboat and talk cock session at bugis..the place was practically flooded with ppl lolz..
Then it was time to book bak in 'the place' agn zZz..

Take a little look at the trailer of the tourist..

I like the tourist pretty much as both the casts are my fav actor and actress lol..Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp..defintely a great combo..must watch ah lolz..rating (4/5) has got some Inception kind of thingy in it lolz
..Besides, Johnny Depp has got Jack Sparrow's blood in him lolz..

Finally when we got out of 'the place', we were hoping for a little off for our shift..but thre's none on tat wk..we were a little upset but nevertheless, we have got nites out..but it's incomparable to booking out and goin home lolz..
And we did spent the nite out wisely by watching movies LOLz..we watched 2 movies..'the ghost must be crazy' and 'season of the witch'..

The ghost must b crazy, another one of Jack Neo's's beta than the other ghost movie tat he had produced earlier on..and the part on Army's pretty much linked to mine haha..
rating (3/5)..seriously, i like their imba Hokkien song and the way they speak..totally Hokkien Ping..i like..naise~!

Thre's a twist in the story of the's quite obvious to a certain point..but nevertheless, it's a nice movie..rating (3/5)..SPOILER!! Nicholas Cage dies agn lol..recently he keep dying in his movie..for example..the sorcerer's apprentice and the knowing..

Continuing on...

After i had my guard duty on wed ..clean the toilet already..still say nvr clean..still say giv us benefit of doubt..Dulan ah~!..
Arguing with him will only make our blood boil and it's not even worth the trouble..if thre's a like button on FB..i will surely use spam bot and like the comments uncountable times lolz..Anyway, the whole morning is bugged lol..

Thurs afternoon was fun, memorable and enjoyable..we went all the way to kallang to leech PS Ivan free chicken was really nice and we really appreciate it..thx PS!..
After tat, we went for Laser Quest..Yea it was hell lots of fun and a real workout.. Shag man! (Refer to Tim's blog and FB for the shag photos lolz!) ..Seriously next time any cohesion juz go Laser Quest especially for large grp of ppl lol..Super fun sia! ..Hehe lots of sneaking up to ppl and shooting them frm the bak :P..
Our team was top for Laser Quest thx to General Maung and Anyhw Clarence and Sgt Sniper Julius and Sneaky Sgt Pak Sun hehe..i was pretty much sneaking arnd and chasing lolz..

Hmm..thinking of Laser Quest made me feel emo leh..some of them are ORDing soon after CNY..i will really miss them..this the only time tat i dun feel like ording loh lol (our bond and wat we share during the past 2 yrs)..
Let's list dwn all those whom i misses lol..

I will surely miss Clarence bed more free ride to Commonwealth mre tanking for mozzies :P..1 less guy to talk abt movie and games..1 less patient and broad guy to hear abt our worries and solve them :( !..

I will miss tranny Timothy for his imba laughter and dance and his passion for math..most importantly, 1 less guy to talk abt k-pop stuffs :( .. 1 less guy to chao keng tgt too lolz..

I will miss Hongwei soley for his guailaness lolz :) ..

I will miss Satiya for his hairs and no mre treats for waffle ice creams xD ~@!..1 less guy to talk cock with lolz..

I will miss Zhi Hao for his garangness.. 1 less guy to talk abt kpop too and 1 less guy to talk cock with.. (cant play GF already sadded)..

I will miss Esmonde for his tidahapa attitude and walking style..

I will miss Garrett..1 less dota buddy and 1 less guy to talk cock and slack with lolz..

I will miss more rides to CCK anymre xD! and 1 less guy to talk with abt our gathering..and 1 less great planner in our Pioneer platoon..

I will miss all of u guys lol..feel free to call me up for gathering! As u knw.. I sibei ON de lolz..!

Bankai "Dai Guren Hyourin Maru (Great Red Ice Ring)" 12:01 AM

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas is coming once agn hohoho

Let's see, Christmas is coming but i had nthing on LOL..hmm mayb a dinner at Kushinbo followed by the movie "Gulliver's travel"? I think this yr i may nt hav any Christmas' presents (it's home alone..Hell yea~!)..but any way i dun need them lolz..

A trailer of Gulliver's travel..

Recently, i had been having a long break.. lots and lots of time rotting at home..and more time to gain some maple knowledge? Maple is so WoW nw many new stuffs, new maps and classes to choose from.. pardon me, i am still in the maple season 1 mood lol..Anybody wana join me in Maple? lolz..i am a Maple newbie xD..

Btw, i just watched Tron:the legacy today and i would give it a rating of 3/5's quite gd with those grid after all, it's possible to create a visual empire and bring forth it to our world whre we live in wat are u waiting for? let's create some ISOs lolz..

As usual, movies, thre are lots of them coming up next summer hehe..nice long awaited movies~~!..

The movie shaolin with lots of famous actor and actress..

The long awaited Jonny Depp is hre once agn lolz..(i seriously like the way he talk)

Lastly, Kpop chartz..IU is taking the 1st place once agn lolz..

Bankai "Dai Guren Hyourin Maru (Great Red Ice Ring)" 5:20 PM

Saturday, December 4, 2010

100th post

Wow..when i was looking over my archive..i found out tat i had this blog kept alive for almost 3 yrs already..and when i look bak at those old archives, it sures bring bak could b considered my diary i guess lolz..

Yea booked out early and went for Bravo cohesion on Friday hehe..although we dint went for dragon boat, our shoes were still wet..due to the wet and bumpy field zZz..(luckily i brought my slippers along haha..)
Btw i tink we were super lucky to win 2 out of the 7 prizes..Maung won a Xmini (4th prize) and hong wei won the 1st prize Wii..tyco sia~! lol..
Nvm the least they paid half the costs of our meal at BK wahaha~!..
Wining the prizes also means we as pioneers need to work super duper hard next wk loh..sian! lolz stress is all on us xD..

Also, when i was heading home after the cohesion, i saw this blinking sign in front of the MRT control station~..suddenly thre was this bulb lighting up in my brain lol..i gotta hav a haircut woots..$3.80 for haircut.. it's really Wow wow wow lolz.. cheap sia..~! Cut + wash only $ i duno hw long this offer is goin to last lolz xD..i hope tat he saloon will remain thre forever..cos i am lazy to go to the market for haircut lolz..

(PS: i wana hav some funky hair style after i ORD man!)

Today is a happy day hehe..went out to shake and talk cock wif bros lol (pepper-lunch is naise~~) ..went to watch the movie hello stranger's nice..the ost is naise~ too (although it's in Thai)..( for singles like me, i tink it's i tink it's a must watch movie for couples bah lolz..)

Lastly, kpop chartz ranking lolz..Haiz..snsd's hoot went down agn..Sistar is sure catching up..Fighting to T-ara's new song (it's catchy)..

Bankai "Dai Guren Hyourin Maru (Great Red Ice Ring)" 9:26 PM

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Oh btw thre's a dota-like map in sc2 called SOTIS lol..but it doesn't seem fun..what's more, thre are custom map like i use to like in wc3 such as NOTD and wintermaul TD..tat's quite cool lolz..

I wanted to convert a video earlier on today but i was shocked to see tat tat video was 70.3GB!! Hw big can it get.. i tink it's bugged..i mean wow~!..70.3GB..tat's like 10 times sc2 space man!..

Secondly, i have watched harry potter and it was quite boring..Doby died too..sad..
(PS: i suggest ppl should just watch HP7 part 1 and part 2 tgt at the same time..since part 1 thre's nthing much..)

Thirdly, go buy Taylor Swift new album..speak's like OMG damn nice loh lolz..

Lastly, the kpop chartz for last wk and this wk..(since i forgot to post last wk lolz) expected kara's new song jumping was the top for this wk lolz..

Tron Legacy seems nice..

Rapunzel seems nice too

Bankai "Dai Guren Hyourin Maru (Great Red Ice Ring)" 3:10 PM

Yo dudes??
I am just a observer frm far..i am always watching*
Enjoys the crazy part of me~! LOLz..
Feel emo when blog???? who knws i dun even knw
lol my 1st blog wee
please enjoy my emo blog lol

Aries(the goat thingy?)"peaceful goat"
Twenty now and serving NS woohoo
3rd APRIL 1990 (born)
Single wuhooz <-- its cool being single lol..
Alredy in NS coy J
Infantry Pioneer woots~!

LHPS <---- been a quiet boy in primary sch.. nw i gone wild wuhoo..

4C'06 ROX!! 6 BOYS rocks the class lol ~.~ !! + others weeeeeeeee

07S14 <--- Not so united yet haha.. jc muggin all the way kinda SIAN..

2009-2011 <--- NS life

1. PLAYING <--- dota most of the time using Garena (nick:zatuian)

2. Watching K-drama and jap drama

3. Enjoy listening to K-POP and J-pop

4. Techno and electronica..

5. Watching videos about K-POP

6. Meditating in the middle of the night..

7. Doing crazy stuff tat i dont normally do rofl..

8. Watching action-packed movie like Resident evil and LOTR..

9. Reading Manga and comic books..

1. Wish to be an extrovert sometimes

2. Wish to be someone tat can help

3. Wish tat thre's world peace

4. Wish to be more crazy?? lol..

1. People who trick others

2. People who look dwn on others<-- juz mean i dint talk does'nt mean i nt thinking

3. Making judgement by themselves and not askin for ppl ideas <-- these are the so called CBK

4. False accusations.

5. Backstabbers

Treat all as frens i tink weeeee
happy go lucky?
enjoy being lame? like jon?<-- i tink he lamest pro sia
most frens are lame?
seldom talk in class cos thres nt a nid cos when i am in thinkin mode... u knw wat it means.. call my name... i dun reply.. juz like F cared u.. and u will feel F up?
tink some of my frens knw this?
wish to knw mre frens by nt talkin? 4C'06
4C'06 Class Blog
JON (jumjum)
Colourwolf Derek
Cool marc



Matthew's Blog

Infantry Pioneer
Kelvin's Blog
Herman's Blog
Herman's 2nd Blog
Maung's Blog
Timothy's Blog

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